A developing specialism

by RALPH B GRAHAM FCPodS FCPodMed BSc(Hons), consultant podiatric surgeon

SPECIALIST treatment of the foot has been established since the 18th century, as the emerging barber surgeons and medical practitioners refused to treat the foot. From those early beginnings the profession became established in the UK until registration with the pre-war voluntary system and then the Council for Professions Supplementary to Medicine in 1960.

At the turn of this century regulation was re-drawn; the Health Professions Council was established and podiatry and podiatric surgery are now regulated by the HPC.


The scope of the profession has also grown over the years to provide a total treatment service for all conditions affecting the foot and ankle. They encompass pressure lesions caused by variations in gait or deformity of bone and joint, conditions created by systemic disease such as rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes, sports injuries, juvenile growth abnormalities; in short all conditions of the foot and ankle.

Education for basic practice is by an honours degree in podiatry at one of 12 universities, with much of the clinical experience being gained by placement with NHS treatment centres in hospital and community settings.

After BSc graduation further degrees are offered for those wishing to specialise or perform research, ranging from Masters to PhD. In addition, the College of Podiatrists recognises further education and development with Clinical Fellowships in podiatric medicine and podiatric surgery (FCPodMed, FCPodS).

These incorporate Masterslevel theory and clinical practice developed over five years in supervised NHS practice.

Podiatrists practice in the NHS and privately. The latter may be at their own premises or the private hospitals. The use of the term ‘consultant’ is restricted to those appointed to NHS consultant posts.

Podiatrists offering themselves for expert witness appointments are expected to have at least 10 years experience in their specialist field and have undertaken suitable court procedure training.