Last updateTue, 10 Dec 2024 3pm



The Exmoor Pony Society

The Exmoor Pony is probably Britain’s oldest breed of native pony, thought to be little different from the original wild ponies that colonised Britain many thousands of years ago. Its destiny has been determined by people since the time of the Celts.

A registered Charity, the Exmoor Pony Society was created in 1921 by moorland farmers for the registration of pure-bred Exmoor ponies, the conservation of the breed and the preservation of the breed standard, thereby maintaining Exmoor’s heritage.

While we rely on volunteers for some of what we do, we do have an increasing burden of costs. Fund-raising supports our important day-to-day work – which may surprise you. We’re involved in inspecting and registering ponies in the studbook, organising events and activities (such as breed shows and our AGM), promoting the breed at large rural events such as county shows, and attending relevant meetings with organisations whose activities can impact the breed. And we are also active in other ways, such as genetics, supporting and advising on conservation/rewilding projects, helping ponies find good homes – and much more. Every penny you can afford to donate will support our work, and help safeguard Britain’s oldest native breed.

For further information on donating to our charity and the work that we do, please visit exmoorponysociety.org.uk


Isle of Wight Donkey Sanctuary

donkeysancThe Isle of Wight Donkey Sanctuary has been providing refuge, exceptional care, and new beginnings for donkeys and other equines that find themselves in need since 1987.

Our vision is to become a centre of excellence for donkey welfare, dedicating ourselves to providing the best possible care and developing a deeper connection and understanding between humans and our equine companions.

donkeysanc2Our charity relies entirely on donations, and we thrive because of the generosity from our supporters via donations, fundraisers, purchases from our shop and cafe, adoptions, and legacies. Leaving a gift in your will is an extremely special way to have your love for donkeys continue as your lasting legacy. Legacies make such an impact to the animals in our care and have allowed us to build new accommodation and fund our vital work providing the best possible care.

For further information on donating to our charity and the work that we do, please visit www.iowdonkeysanctuary.org

Gambia Horse and Donkey Trust

The Gambia Horse and Donkey Trust (GHDT) was founded in 2002. With no tradition of horsemanship in The Gambia and a combination of poor management, high disease risk and poverty, farmers were investing comparatively large amounts of money for a working animal only for it to die, too often within six months. Not only was this causing further hardship for the farmers, it was also creating a serious animal welfare problem and the veterinary services did not have the infrastructure or finances to be able to help the farmers.

The aim of the GHDT is to reduce rural poverty in The Gambia through improving the health, welfare and productivity of working animals.

For further information on donating to this charity tel 01306 627568 or visit www.gambiahorseanddonkey.org.uk.

Last Chance Animal Rescue

Registered Charity No. 1002349

Don’t leave it to chance... leave it to LAST CHANCE

As animals can’t speak for themselves it falls to me to ask you to consider leaving a legacy to Last Chance Animal Rescue. Any money that we may receive will be spent entirely on the running and improvement at the Centre, which is dedicated to the rescuing, rehabilitation and re-homing of dogs and cats etc.

Many of the number we receive have found their way to our door through circumstances such as their beloved owner passing away, may that door always be open.

Many are elderly, in their twilight years, and would just love to find a caring retirement home, something we have great success and pleasure in finding for them, and we continue to care for them, young and old, long after they are settled in their new loving homes, by offering all kinds of support, including financial if needed, for their continued welfare and well being.

As you can imagine this level of commitment doesn’t come cheaply, which is why I am appealing to you to remember Last Chance if possible, when you make your will. They do say where there’s a Will there’s a way!

For further information on donating to this charity visit their website www.lastchanceanimalrescue.co.uk or call the numbers below

Tel: Edenbridge (Rescue Centre & head office) 01732 865530

Tel: New Romney (Rescue Centre) 01797 366620


We are a British based charity which raises funds worldwide for animal welfare organisations in Italy.

Throughout the years we have expressed our passion, determination and commitment in different operational areas and in the year ahead, we will be supporting over 25 Projects across Italy through:

  • Continued financial support of local/regional shelters
  • Outreach spay and neuter programmes and emergency field work
  • Provision of medicines, veterinary supplies, surgical equipment and rescue vehicles
  • Training for animal welfare professionals and volunteers
  • Educational programmes and awareness raising campaigns in schools
  • Environmental conservation projects for the benefit of birds and wild fauna

None of what we do could be done without your support. Your support tells us you care about our work and about the animals we love and protect.

AISPA - Working in Italy providing care and protection for thousands of animals

For further information on donating to this charity tel 01273 763988 or visit www.aispa.org.uk

Friends of the Animals

Friends of the Animals have been improving the lives of animals for almost 31 years - from Burnley to the Isle of Wight and from Norfolk to Wales.

Our aims are to:

  • Offer a subsidised Spaying and Neutering scheme.
  • To rehome animals that come into our care.
  • To support over 500 animals at a sanctuary in the Midlands.
  • To give educational talks on the care of pets
  • To offer support for members of the public in the care of their pets.

We have also:

  • Spayed / neutered more than 41,300 animals
  • Rehomed over 9,000 animals
  • And we provide veterinary treatment for almost 3,000 animals every year.

The first animal in the video is twelve year old Susie, who is one of the animals notified to us by the police after her owner had been found deceased. Having lost her owner, the poor dog then found herself in a police kennel with a very definite time limit on it. She is pictured with Liana, her foster Mum, who is happily going to keep her.

For further information on donating to this charity tel 01983 522511 or visit their website www.friendsoftheanimals.co.uk.


Catholic Concern for Animals

Our Mission is the advancement of Christian respect and responsibility for the animal creation with special reference to Catholic teaching and beliefs.

The charity meets its objective of advancing Christian respect and responsibility for the animal creation through the production of its magazine, The Ark, which is issued three times a year, and through its website and social media outreach. The Chief Executive promotes the work of the charity by engaging with other organisations and giving presentations.

The charity provides a public benefit by producing educational material and giving talks on the empathetic treatment of animals, based on the teachings of the Catholic Church, which gives a moral benefit to the human community.

The charity has a high impact by informing and educating on the issues of Animal Advocacy among the Catholic world population at all levels, from the Vatican as the Catholic Church’s highest institution to individual Catholics throughout the world. The charity also works very closely with other Animal Advocate organisations and individuals worldwide.

For further information on donating to this charity visit www.catholic-animals.com.


Ferne Animal Sanctuary

Ferne was set up through the foresight of the late Nina, Duchess of Hamilton & Brandon – who realised that men and women going off to war had no-one to take care of their animals and so would require a temporary refuge for them.

The Duchess put a call out on the BBC and legend has it that when she returned to her London home there were a number of cats and dogs on her doorstep and also a parrot!

The need for our work continues to this day. We all know that energy prices are rising and that the cost of everything we do from the daily commute, to cooking a meal or watching TV is getting more expensive.

Here at Ferne this will impact on the cost of keeping our animals healthy and well throughout the colder months. From the cost of the under-floor heating in our kennels to keep all the paws that pass through them warm, to using heat lamps to keep our Guinea pigs and older sheep and goats cosy, and the cost of straw to ensure all beds are as snug as they need to be!

Theres no way we can make cuts when it comes to keeping our animals warm, which is why as we approach the colder months, we need your help more than ever to keep all the animals in our care warm and cosy this winter.

For further information on donating to this charity tel 01460 65214 or visit www.ferneanimalsanctuary.org


Swan Lifeline

Swan Lifeline is the oldest registered charity devoted entirely to the care of sick and injured swans in the Thames Valley and surrounding areas. Swan Lifeline was founded in 1986 by a small group of people who had been involved with swan rescue and treatment for many years from a base in Windsor.

Swan Lifeline rescue, treat and release swans back into the wild.

In 1988 we were registered as a charity. In 2014 we changed to a Charitable Incorporated Organisation by closing the Registered Charity and transferring the assets and liabilities to the CIO.

Initially we worked from private homes, while we sought a suitable centre. In 1992 Eton College offered us the lease of Cuckoo Weir Island. The following year, after building a treatment centre, outside pens and accommodation, Swan Lifeline moved in.

Our work is possible only through donations, legacies and support from the general public, our sponsors, trustees and volunteers.

With your support over 30,000 swans have been rescued and treated to date.

For further information on donating to this charity tel 01753 859 397 or visit swanlifeline.uk


Animal Action Greece

As a UK based charity operating in Greece since 1959, Animal Action Greece’s (formerly Greek Animal Welfare Fund) purpose is ‘the prevention and relief of cruelty and suffering amongst animals in Greece’. 

The charity works with street animals, working animals, pet animals – in fact, any animals that need our help. We believe in working within Greece to find practical and sustainable solutions to animal welfare problems, and our track record speaks for itself.

We have a vision for ‘Greece to become a nation whose people care about the quality of animals’ lives’. We are proud of what we have achieved over many years as the longest serving animal charity operating in Greece at a national level. Many animals’ lives have been improved by our work. But there is still a lot for us to do before Greece becomes a country in which the quality of animals’ lives matter. That is why our mission is to ‘use the way we care for animals to educate and inspire, encouraging changes in attitudes at every level of Greek society.’

For further information on donating to this charity tel 020 7357 8500 or visit www.animalactiongreece.org

Beneath the Wood

Beneath the Wood is a Viva! award-winning vegan sanctuary based in Wales that provides permanent homes for dogs with behaviour issues, pigs, sheep, cats and horses.

In 2019 we were involved in a high-profile case that rescued 53 pigs from truly horrifying conditions at an illegal slaughterhouse in Pembrokeshire. It meant Beneath the Wood tripled the size of the sanctuary’s dependents overnight, and we now have over 90 pigs, and over 135 animals in total. The cost of caring for and feeding so many animals is a huge challenge.

We also do work in rehabilitating dogs with behaviour issues – first identifying and then alleviating their problems. Like the pigs, a lot of these dogs have been saved from being put to sleep … and they have thrived since arriving at Beneath the Wood.

Our resident dogs are not able to be rehomed because of behaviour issues. They have come to us from other rescues or from vets. Our cats and other farm animals have come from local farmers or people in the local community. Most of the animals that come to us will stay here for life as a safe haven.

We work with the animals in a positive way to help them overcome any problems. We help to build their confidence so they can enjoy life. We also spend time campaigning for a cruelty free world. We are a strictly no-kill sanctuary.

For further information on donating to this charity tel 01570 574557 or visit beneaththewoodsanctuary.co.uk.

Oak Tree Animals' Charity

0n7323Oak Tree provides a safe place for cats, dogs and equines in their time of need. We look to rehome dogs, cats, and equines and work to support good, long-term healthy relationships between animals and their owners out in the community.

Founded in 1909 by Francis Cox, who campaigned for better working conditions for pit ponies and other working horses, the Charity has now grown to provide a home for equines, goats and donkeys. It’s also a safe haven for relinquished dogs and cats who are awaiting new homes through our Adoption Programme.

Every year Oak Tree takes in hundreds of animals and gives them a second chance. We rehabilitate the animals, but we also prepare potential owners for life with a new companion and offer the help and support necessary for both animal and owner to live a long and happy life together. Our work in the community means that loving pet owners can find the information and resources they need to keep their animals happy, healthy and in good homes. We also support unowned animals such as feral cats through our Trap Neuter Return (TNR) programme.

0n7322We use educational campaigns to raise awareness and change perceptions, hoping to provide a brighter future for animals in all walks of society. Our team speaks to schools, community groups and colleges about animal welfare and offers advice on working with animals in the future, investing in our younger generations and providing them with the knowledge they need to help animals in the long term.

You can help the animals in our care by donating, volunteering, adopting, fundraising, and paying a visit to our Tearoom and our Amazon Wish List! You could also consider sponsoring an animal, leaving a gift in your will or why not come along to one of our events! The ways to help are endless!

For further information on donating to this charity tel 01228 560082 or visit www.oaktreeanimals.org.uk.

The Fox Project

Established in 1991 as a specialist Wildlife Information Bureau and Fox Deterrence Consultancy, we added a Wildlife Ambulance Service and Hospital in 1993 and, today, we admit, treat and rehabilitate over 1000 foxes per year, including 250 sick, injured and orphaned fox cubs.

We are honoured to have Chris Packham as our Patron and appear regularly on TV, radio and other media. We have received awards from RSPCA, International Fund for Animal Welfare and others for our work and regularly advise national and local government as well as providing information to the public on all aspects of the Red Fox.

Our pioneering fox deterrence work has led to most UK local authorities abandoning lethal ‘control’ in favour of humane, non-destructive methods of resolving conflict with urban foxes, thereby saving the lives of many thousands of foxes every year.

Our current priority, under pressure from a fast-growing workload, is to locate and purchase premises on which to develop a purpose-built wildlife hospital.

For further information on donating to this charity tel 01892 824111 or visit www.foxproject.org.uk.

British Chelonia Group

The BCG has been a Registered Charity for over 30 years, having grown from a small group of enthusiasts to become the leading charity in the UK promoting the care and conservation of chelonia. They have raised over half a million pounds for their appeals, supporting conservation projects and zoo initiatives all over the world, and have a worldwide membership.

They hold two symposia each year in different parts of the country, giving members and non-members alike the opportunity to listen to and meet experts such as vets, conservationists, zookeepers and experienced hobbyists.

The BCG have a network of regional groups holding regular meetings with talks and health checks for tortoises and terrapins. They produce free care sheets, bi-monthly newsletters and an annual journal for members. They also have re-homing and 'lost and found' services. All this is organised entirely by volunteers.

For further information on donating to this charity tel 01359 259 800 or visit www.britishcheloniagroup.org.uk.

Wales Ape & Monkey Sanctuary

Located in the lovely Brecon Beacons National Park area of South Wales, the Wales Ape & Monkey Sanctuary rescues and provides a home for many types of unwanted animals, especially primates, such as chimpanzees, baboons, spider monkeys, vervets, capuchins, snow monkeys, lemurs and marmosets.

Although we specialise in the care and protection of primates we cannot stand by and see other animals in need of help. You will therefore find wolf dogs, horses, donkeys, goats, pigs and others at our sanctuary. All are equally important members of our extended family.

We undertake a number of rescues from zoos and laboratories where animals have suffered mistreatment and deprivation or are no longer wanted. As they are not equipped for survival in the wild we can only endeavour to make the rest of their lives as enjoyable and stress free as possible.

For further information on donating to this charity tel 01639 730276 or visit www.ape-monkey-rescue.org.uk

Suffolk Owl Sanctuary

Established as a registered charity in 2001, the Suffolk Owl Sanctuary operates a comprehensive facility for the care & rehabilitation of wild owls and other birds of prey and the promotion of their conservation throughout the UK and beyond.

As a charity, the Suffolk Owl Sanctuary relies entirely on donations and legacies to help fund the upkeep of the centre and the variety of free services it offers. These include the maintenance of our bird of prey hospital which treats and helps recuperate injured wild raptors so they can be returned fit and flying free back to their natural habitat; the maintenance a network of 290 man-made nesting sites for wild owls in areas where natural nesting sites have been depleted; the provision of free educational resources to schools and the distribution of our “Saving Britain’s Owls” literature.

Through many and varied conservation & education projects, our underlying aim is to spread the word about the vital importance of preserving our native birds of prey & the ecological balance they help to maintain.

Your help is always tremendously appreciated as every penny the Suffolk Owl Sanctuary receives makes a world of difference and a difference to our world!

For further information on donating to this charity tel 03456 807 897 or visit www.owl-help.org.uk/donations-legacies

The Suffolk Punch Trust

The Suffolk Punch Trust is a registered charity, and it is home to the oldest English breed of working horses.

The Suffolk Punch Trust was founded in 2002 to protect the historic Hollesley Bay Colony Stud when it was under threat of disappearing. This particular farm has bred Suffolk horses for over 250 years and the Trust knew they had to help this critically endangered breed to survive.

The Suffolk Punch Trust has an established breeding programme, they raise public awareness and train new generations of professionals to work with these iconic heavy horses.

Your legacy large or small is desperately important for The Suffolk Punch Trust to continue their work and help this wonderful breed survive.

For further information on donating to this charity tel 01394 411327 or visit their website www.thesuffolkpunchtrust.co.uk

The Lord Whisky Sanctuary Fund

The Lord Whisky Sanctuary Fund is a lifeline for animals of all kinds. We provide sanctuary to animals who become homeless or who have been injured or abused, and vital veterinary care to those on low incomes.

The charity was named after a little Jack Russell who lived with Margaret and her family and was put to sleep at the grand old age of 22 years. Lord Whisky was a bit of a character and needed careful understanding and this led us to realise that a sanctuary was needed that could provide the time and expertise to cope with animals like Lord Whisky, and hopefully turn them around for rehoming. If this is not possible they stay with us for the rest of their lives like Lord Whisky.

For further information on donating to this charity tel 01303 862622 or visit www.lordwhisky.co.uk.

Three Counties Dog Rescue (Reg.Charity 1170606)

Our mission is to accept, care for and find homes for unwanted, lost and stray dogs.

Three Counties Dog Rescue has successfully re-homed over 7600 dogs and cats since its formation in 1971. All our animals are neutered, vaccinated and micro-chipped before re-homing.

Before re-homing takes place we ensure that the dog or cat will be kept in suitable conditions.

We have to raise £200,000 every year to cover veterinary fees as well as the kennel management and maintenance costs. We have a non destruction policy and never put down a healthy dog. However this means that we can incur large veterinary costs to maintain a dog's health while they await a new permanent home. As part of our non-destruction policy some elderly animals are kept in long term foster homes.

The Rescue is run entirely by voluntary and unpaid helpers and every penny raised goes directly to improving the lives of our dogs and cats.

Other costs including travel, transport, telephone and website are met by our volunteers.

For further information on donating to this charity tel 01778 440318 or visit www.threecountiesdogrescue.org.

Heartbeat Home For Horses

Many hundreds of horses every year face an uncertain future when their careers come to an end. They come to us from all walks of equine life; ex-racehorses, riding horses, or ponies just being discarded when their "useful" life is over.

Our Aim

The Heartbeat Home for Horses Limited is a registered charity for retired horses, whose aim is to care for horses who otherwise would face a very uncertain future. Our aim is to provide a lifeline for these needy, homeless animals, allowing them to relax in comfortable surroundings in retirement, with lots of tender loving care.

  • Heartbeat horses are often large, 16hh+ - it can be difficult to find a retirement home for them
  • Heartbeat Horses are NOT re-educated, or re-homed, or adopted
  • Heartbeat Horses retire to enjoy a good quality of life
  • Heartbeat will not put a healthy horse to sleep
  • We need to expand, due to the long waiting list of horses waiting to retire, or worse
  • We have CCTV in the stables, to monitor horses who are unwell

Many of Heartbeat guests would not be alive today, if they had not been able to retire to the Heartbeat Home for Horses.

For further information on donating to this charity tel 01394 775 495 or visit their website www.heartbeathorses.co.uk

Hessilhead Wildlife Rescue Trust

Hessilhead cares for Scotland's injured and orphaned wildlife. It has been running for over 25 years, and became a registered charity in 1986.

The centre is situated near Beith in North Ayrshire. It occupies a 20 acre site, including woodland, marsh and open water. This gives a variety of release sites for our patients.

Hessilhead aims to rescue, treat, rFehabilitate and release birds and animals back to the wild, and has facilities and experience to treat all species of Scottish wildlife. Facilities at the Centre include an intensive care unit, a swan/seal hospital with indoor pool, a hedgehog unit, a surgery with x-ray equipment and more than 60 outdoor aviaries, enclosures and release pens.

The centre operates a 24 hour emergency service, and is available to give advice on wildlife problems throughout the day. It is not generally open to the public. This is because our patients are wild, and wild birds and animals are usually frightened of people. Regular disturbance would upset the patients, hamper their recovery, or result in hand-reared youngsters becoming tame.

For further information on donating to this charity tel 01505 502 415 or visit their website www.hessilheadwildlife.org.uk


Edinburgh Dog and Cat Home - A Safe Place for Dogs and Cats

Edinburgh Dog and Cat Home protects loving homes, finds loving homes, and runs a loving home for dogs and cats in East and Central Scotland.

We give our all to keep pets where they belong - with their families. When that’s not possible, we take them in and love them as if they’re our own. We give every dog and cat the best level of care we can, from food and veterinary care to training and enrichment, all to get them ready for their future family.

Since 1883 we’ve been caring for dogs and cats in Edinburgh, and since 2019 our pet foodbanks and community services have been better supporting their humans too. But we don’t do it alone.

We don’t receive any regular government or statutory funding, so without the incredible backing of our donors and supporters, our doors couldn’t have stayed open for the last 140 years.

Behind every pet in need is a person in need and with open doors and open hearts we will continue to rescue, reunite, and rehome dogs and cats across East and Central Scotland.

For further information on donating to this charity tel 0131 669 5331 or visit their website edch.org.uk


Wild Futures

Your Legacy - The Gift of Life

Wild Futures rescues and offers sanctuary to monkeys who have suffered abuse and neglect. We are dedicated to protecting primates and habitats worldwide, which are endangered due to climate change, habitat destruction, and the bush-meat and pet trades. For some species, it is too late. The future of all that remains lies in our hands, so your legacy to Wild Futures is the gift of life and a future for primates and our wonderful planet.

Our holistic approach makes us unique; providing sanctuary to rescued monkeys, supporting projects overseas, campaigning for primate welfare, educating to protect primates worldwide and promoting a sustainability and ethical ethos. We receive no government funding, so the generosity of those that remember Wild Futures is essential to enable us to continue our work.

Your legacy can be the gift of a life worth living and a wild and safe future for all.

For further information on donating to this charity tel 01503 262 532 or visit www.wildfutures.org

Essex Horse and Pony Protection Society

Essex Horse and Pony Protection Society (EHPPS) was founded in 1983 and has been on its 55-acre site at Pitsea Hall Lane since 1986. EHPPS attained registered charity status in 1987. The charity was established for the promotion of animal welfare and, in particular, to take all appropriate measures to protect equines from cruelty and to prevent the infliction of suffering and, where necessary, to take equines into care for rehabilitation. We hope to help develop knowledge of the needs of horses, as well as other animals and birds, and mankind’s responsibilities towards all living creatures.

We are not a retirement home. Where possible, suitable foster homes are found for our animals when they are completely well – whether they go out to homes as rideable horses or as a companion to the fosterer’s horse. Horses are gregarious animals and need the company of others.

We currently have hundreds of rehabilitated horses and ponies in foster homes all over the country, regularly checked by our Fostering Monitors to ensure that they are being lovingly cared for. All fostered animals remain the sole responsibility of the society; so if for instance, there is a change in circumstance of the fosterer (eg loss of job, ill health) the animal can be returned to us.

Our Field Officers investigate welfare concerns that are brought to our attention almost daily and will go out to help any horse or pony in need of our assistance within the county.

For further information on donating to this charity visit ehpps.org.uk.


Paws2Rescue is a UK registered charity (1156882) that works to relieve the suffering of all animals, with a particular focus on dogs. As well as rehoming dogs and cats into loving UK homes, we undertake a number of international projects wherever animals need our support. Furthermore, we promote compassion for animals around the globe, running education programmes for schoolchildren in Romania and Moldova to encourage future generations to learn to treat animals with kindness. We also provide free neutering programmes in various locations to ensure every animal is a wanted animal.

A gift in your Will, however small, helps us to be there for abused, neglected and stray animals, protecting them and giving them a new start in life with food, shelter, medical treatment and sanctuary. It will also enable us to continue to change attitudes towards animals in countries where compassion can sometimes be in short supply.

For further information on donating to this charity visit www.paws2rescue.com.

Tiggywinkles Wildlife Hospital

Tiggywinkles Wildlife Hospital are a specialist hospital, dedicated to rescuing and rehabilitating all species of British wildlife using all available veterinary expertise.

Every year in Britain over five million wild animals and birds are injured as a direct result of their encounters with man's world. We care for sick and injured hedgehogs, badgers, wild birds, foxes, even reptiles and amphibians.

For further information on donating to this charity tel 01844 292511 or visit www.sttiggywinkles.org.uk.

The Horse Rescue Fund

Dedicated to the Rescue, Rehabilitation & Rehoming of all needy Horses, Donkeys & Ponies.

The main aim of the Horse Rescue Fund is to alleviate the suffering of any ill-treated or neglected equines, bring them back to health and, if possible, back into work and then place them on loan in approved homes. We never sell our rescued horses but we do most firmly believe that they are much more content and happier leading a useful and fulfilled life, with individual care and attention in a private home, rather than just standing in retirement for the rest of their lives. We have more than 100 horses, ponies and donkeys out in adoptive homes, with more to follow in their footsteps at present under rehabilitation at Woodstock Farm.

Many of our horses have gone on to compete most successfully, in many disciplines both locally and nationally. Quite often spectators do not even realise that they are watching rescued horses who have had a very poor and often traumatic earlier life.

For further information on donating to this charity tel 01502 679 191 or visit www.horserescuefund.org.uk.

Hope Rescue

Leaving a gift for Hope dogs in your will is an incredibly special way to ensure your love for animals continues as your lasting legacy. Every single legacy gift, no matter the size, makes such a difference to the dogs in our care, helping them to find the happiness they deserve now, and for many years to come.

At Hope Rescue, we've been working hard to improve the welfare of dogs since 2005. We do not discriminate against the dogs we help on the basis of their breed, age or medical condition, and many come in with underlying health conditions that can cost thousands of pounds.

We also have a number of dogs with ongoing medical or behavioural needs that are part of our Assisted Adoption programme. These dogs would otherwise be unadoptable due to the costs of their long-term support. Leaving a special gift will help us to be there for every dog that needs us.

For further information on donating to this charity visit www.hoperescue.org.uk.

Buttercups Sanctuary for Goats

Buttercups Sanctuary for Goats is a sanctuary in Kent who care for abused, neglected and needy goats. They are the only registered charity in the UK who care solely for the welfare of goats.

They rescue abandoned, abused and neglected goats and also help animals simply in need of a new home whose owners can no longer care for them or who have been left alone after the death of companion goats. They also help improve the knowledge and education about goat welfare nationwide.

For further information on donating to this charity tel 01622 746420 or visit www.buttercups.org.uk.