Last updateThu, 28 Mar 2024 2pm

Legal News

Computer Forensics

With an estimated 1 billion personal computers worldwide, the scope for computers to be used as an integral part of civil or criminal misuse is self evident. The computer, originally considered to be a smoking gun, can just as easily prove exactly the opposite, thus exonerating the accused.


In the hands of one of our skilled experts, deleted doesn’t mean un-recoverable.  Hidden items become visible and the picture becomes clearer, if not clear.

Using the latest forensic techniques, CY4OR’s expert investigations team is able to conduct an examination and provide a profile of usage.  We sort fact from fiction and crystallize ambiguity. Our extensive expertise, spanning a broad range of investigations, places your enquiry in the safest and most experienced hands.

Forensic Tools
In order to meet the specific needs of our clients, we utilise a wide variety of forensic tools.  Our main computer analysis tools are EnCase and Forensic ToolKit (including FTK Imager, Password Recovery Toolkit and Registry Viewer).  These tools meet the analysis needs of a large proportion of the cases we deal with and allow for a dual-tool approach for the verification of findings.

In addition to these tools, we also utilise the following tools as required:

Paraben Chat Examiner, Email Examiner and Network Email Examiner
WinHex/X-Ways Forensic
NetAnalysis and HSTEX
Simple Carver Suite (SCS)
Internet Evidence Finder
LiveView, VFC and Mount Image Pro (and VMWare)
C4P and C4M
Setup API Extractor
Event Log Explorer
O&K Printer Viewer
ISO Buster
Link File Extractor
MetaData Assistant, MetaData Analysis, MetaData Extractor
RAID Constructor